Our Values at LTF Digital | Look Touch & Feel

Our Values


Partnership over projects.

Of course if you have a one off requirements, we can help. But our best results have always come from the clients that we work in partnership with for the long haul. We truly understand your business, you understand what we can do across a number of areas, and we work in collaboration to drive better results from your marketing.


Effective over cheap.

The market for design and digital marketing is changing before our very eyes. A plumber can now create a website in 5 minutes for £1 a month. We do our best work for people that are seeking more than that kind of approach can offer, and who are able to invest sensibly. Our support can start with creating your Go To Marketing plan and strategy, or we can start further down the line with a bespoke website or digital marketing campaign. We have worked with every type of business from a one-man start up company, to a Blue Chip global corporation.


Quality over speed.

Of course you have a deadline, that’s to be expected and we’ve never missed a deadline that we had control of. But we believe with all our hearts that to deliver true quality work that will yield results, sometimes we have to say no to the “we need it yesterday” jobs. We do encourage clients to start talking to us as early as possible in their process, so that we can schedule work in to create space for quality work.


Progress over guesswork.

We have worked hard over the years to refine our processes. Each time we learn something, or (let’s be honest) when something goes wrong, we build it back into the process so it’s continually improving. We believe in the processes we’ve built and in using these, and data, instead of “creative guesswork” to determine how to best meet your objectives.


Think past launch day.

Launching a website or campaign is only the beginning. Until you’ve lived with it, tested it, and analysed it you can’t be sure what works and what doesn’t. Our best case studies are always the ones where we develop a collaborative plan with you, the client, that looks way past “ the launch”.

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